
And So It Begins...

So I've become inspired by my S-I-L Amy to create my own blog.  I fell in love with her blog site Amy Blackburn Photography and now find myself checking numerous times throughout the day to see what sort of quirky thoughts, profound statements, or amazing pictures she has posted. It truly is an addiction and I seriously need help (for more than just this I am sure).  Hello my name is Holly and I am a blogstalker.

I thought that I may be able to seek therapy - but found that there were no local chapters of BSA(blogstalkers anonymous) within my area.  So I figure I'll have to take the self help route and figured my own page was the first step (only 11 more to go).

Until next time...

1 comment:

Amy Brooker said...

oh my gracious!! you just made my day. I am so glad you got a blog so that I can stalk you back! much love. :)