
Holy Guacamole Batman..

So with the first signs of "true SPring" (it's Texas people - we have our own seasons) my hubby and I thought that it would be good to get all of the leaves in the yard raked up and a few flowers planted (note - we hadn't done this in the 3 years that we have lived here).  Well after doing 20 bags on our own - we decided to call it a day.  Darren contracted (or hoodwinked if you asked me) his part-time employee/friend Adam to come a rake the rest on Wednesday.  After a few hours Adam informed Darren that he had run out of bags (82 - 30 gallon trash bags folks)  I came home to find a HUGE pile of bags in my driveway. So okay -we got the place cleaned up but what the frick are we going to do will all the bags I ask?  Yesterday Darren calls me to say that Adam found a lady that wanted them - ALL of them. She, her husband and a friend came by today with a trailer - and much to my amazement loaded and took the whole thing.  Needless to say - we won't be letting the leaves go by the wayside and literally get snowed under again. 

No snow--this is the kind of "drifts" and "banks" I have to deal with.

The 140+ bags that ended up in my driveway.
Darren and Nat as a frame of reference.


Amy Brooker said...

i need a new post. and those leaves are ridiculous!! :-)
see you guys this weekend! micah has the same dress that nat got for her b-day and i'm probably gonna put micah in it for easter... even if nat's not planning on wearing it, will you bring it so that we can get some twinky pics?

Jocelyn said...

Dang, that's a LOT of leaves!!