
Out Sick - Kind of...

So this is my second day this week that I am out from work due to a sick kiddo.  One might think that this wouldn't be so bad - a day off, daytime TV watching, sleeping in late...however a child with Strep nixes a lot of that.  We were up at 3 am and then again at 5:30 am - so no sleeping late.  Daytime TV is only good if you get to watch something besides Dora, SpongeBob or the Backyardigans.  And as for the "day off" - well I am more tired after a day with a cranky kid and trying to work intermittently from home - than the busiest day at work.

Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in - and the fever will subside and life can get back to normal.

I will say - that I did get to spend a little more time blog surfing - but I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

1 comment:

Amy Brooker said...

i'm so sorry nat's sick! i hope she's better soon!!! much love.